Thursday 5 February 2015

Too Tall To Stay

 Having decided to keep on with my 20mm Napoleonic collection using figures from the Newline Designs & RSM95/Pax Britannica ranges I am left with a surplus of 1/72nd scale metal and plastic. They are noticeably taller than the 20mm figures.

 Ok, I could have probably got away with the height disparity but I have decided to keep being ruthless and dispose of these figures too.

Art Miniaturen French Artillery Command c.1812

One day I may revisit 1/72nd scale plastic Napoleonic figures to cover the South American Wars of the early 19th Century. But for now the plastic pile will simply have to go as well.

A Neapolitan General and Hussar - converted figures using Italeri and HaT plastic figures from some years ago.

Happily my next posts will feature the stuff I am keeping!

Monday 2 February 2015

Saying Goodbye to Duplicates

Incredibly a significant part of the lead pile consists of the same period but in separate scales!

Here are some of the soon-to-be-departed painted up:

Tradition 25mm Crimean War British Artillery - lovely!
 It was very hard to say goodbye to the Tradition 25mm figures Crimean figures - they are such lovely sculpts. I also have this war catered for in 20mm. In the end it came down to the fact I already had more 20mm figures and there are less gaps in that scale.

Battle Honors 25mm Austrian Artillery
I have the 1859 campaign (and a lot of other Continental Wars) in a 15mm lead pile too. Again the figures are first class, but as they have to be bought from the US the import duty alone makes them the less attractive option.

So there you have it, one more small dent in the lead pile!