Sunday 11 June 2023

Honour Is Restored

I start with a small apology. While I did take plenty of pictures I do not remember bouncing along on a pogo stick at the same time. The results on my camera show I clearly was.

I played the French side, consisting of 1 unit of Chassurs a Pied, 3 units of Line Infantry, a single artillery piece, a Mitrailleuse and of course, Corporal Tousan and his engineers, The Prussians were roughly double the size. The mission, to destroy the bridge over the River Pissoire at the village of Pot de Chambre.

The rules were an adaptation of Osprey's The Men Who Would Be Kings.

The furthest forward units, the Chasseurs took the brunt of the casualties and started to collect pinned markers from the first move.

Once Tousan gave the nod the French quickly advanced to the rear over the bridge.

This time there was no misunderstanding, the bridge blew in the faces of the enraged Prussians,

Having suffered less than 40% casualties (which would have resulted in a draw) Tousan had saved the day. His daring photograph standing by the destroyed bridge while under fire shows his steely determination to wipe the slate clean.

So impressed am I that I will actually paint his stripes on his right sleeve too!

Friday 9 June 2023

Honour Restored?

 Since February I have been busy painting up troops for tomorrow's show, Broadside. It is a small Franco Prussian War encounter around the village of Pot de Chambre.

Here we see some of the central characters, Corporal Tousan and his squad of engineers.

Perry Plastic French Line with tools from Irregular Miniatures to look more "engineery".

Touson is from a long line of military engineers and hopes that tomorrow he will be able to wash away the stain of shame hanging over his family. 

You see, his grandfather Captain Jules Touson served the other Napoleon at a place called Leipzig. He too was charged with destroying a bridge but through an unfortunate misunderstanding earned the soubriquet of "Too Soon" Touson. 

And a reduction to the ranks for the Touson's  in perpetuum.

The Empire needs a new hero. Tousan needs redemption!