Friday, 9 June 2023

Honour Restored?

 Since February I have been busy painting up troops for tomorrow's show, Broadside. It is a small Franco Prussian War encounter around the village of Pot de Chambre.

Here we see some of the central characters, Corporal Tousan and his squad of engineers.

Perry Plastic French Line with tools from Irregular Miniatures to look more "engineery".

Touson is from a long line of military engineers and hopes that tomorrow he will be able to wash away the stain of shame hanging over his family. 

You see, his grandfather Captain Jules Touson served the other Napoleon at a place called Leipzig. He too was charged with destroying a bridge but through an unfortunate misunderstanding earned the soubriquet of "Too Soon" Touson. 

And a reduction to the ranks for the Touson's  in perpetuum.

The Empire needs a new hero. Tousan needs redemption!


  1. A resolute looking bunch of chaps there Matt, love the background narrative. Have a good show.

    1. It was great fun! Tousan survived. Fullreort tomorrow.

  2. Yes, a great little bit of characterisation Matt and the figures are lovely. My mate Mark at 1866 And All That blog just took delivery of nineteen battalions worth of the Perry plastic Frenchies!

    1. Yes the plastic figures are very megalomania-tempting!
