Sunday 27 June 2021

A Small Addition To The Union

This week has been rather busy so I have only been able to produce this six base Union unit; this time using the Jacklex "Confederate Infantry Advancing in Kepi"  simply painted Union blue with blackened gum blankets.

This is the last of the Jacklex Union infantry I currently have - so a small dent in the lead pile has been achieved. I have plenty of Confederates to paint so I will complete them before I put in another order (honest!). 

The idea is to complete both Civil War projects this year, but as I have a tight deadline on the 28mm collection that will take precedence. However, not before I post some of the new Jacklex French in Mexico figures next Sunday.

Sunday 20 June 2021

The Union Has Arrived!

At last the first Union force has stepped off the painting table and is now advancing to the field of battle. These are Perry plastics based for Rebels & Patriots.  This is a standard 12 figure infantry unit, however despite the flags this is not going to be the main commander's unit - I have plans for an extra special regiment for that role, which will probably be the next 28mm unit I paint.

I have given myself the challenge of creating a force large enough for games night in three months time. Bearing in mind the rebels took me over a year to complete that is no mean feat. Hopefully my seven day weekend lifestyle will help!

I even managed to paint up some battlefield "clutter"

I have a couple of Jacklex units primed and ready so if I can get them both finished you'll see them in all their glory next Sunday.

Sunday 13 June 2021

Eeeeeyes Right!

 So, after eight months, three surgical procedures and countless pokes and drops into my eyes sight was restored to my left eye a few weeks ago. I have to say the whole thing has been highly unpleasant. I had no depth perception so I could not paint or judge distances with any certainty. My right eye could only really focus on things about ten inches or so away and preferably backlight so my Kindle, tablet etc have been life-savers.

So I was jolly glad to start painting again about three weeks ago. It took some time to get back in the swing (my eyesight is about 80-90% of what it was before) but as you can see I have added quite a few figures to the Classic 20mm project. Figures are all Jacklex.

Sir taking the salute - I need to add a few more bases I think.

I have added another seven base unit in my favourite advancing pose and have one more such unit left to paint before I need to put in another order.

I have even had time to add to the rebel ranks.

Butternut - this season's must-have.

During my enforced absence I have obviously had a lot of time to make plans, especially now as I took the decision to take early retirement in February.  The plan is to post every Sunday as a motivator. I will be concentrating to begin with on the 20 and 28mm ACW collections plus the French in Mexico using the excellent new Jacklex range which frustratingly was launched a few weeks after I lost my eyesight.

There is no guarantee that my eyesight may not go again but for the moment I am enjoying life once more, especially as the day before my last surgery I picked up my new best friend, Lottie.

Lottie is a 6 month old Labrador cross who did not have the best start in life. Her three previous owners were all working families who probably didn't realise how much work is required with a very intelligent and energetic puppy. 

In true "One Dog and Her Man" style it seems want she needed was a pensioner to train. She's got him walking her at least twice a day, throwing a ball and even convinced him to get her a paddling pool for fun in the garden. Clever girl!