Tuesday 23 July 2024

It Has Been A While

 I have been away from the painting table for a while but finally have had a bit of spare time to hit the backlog of figures. 

I would like to get these chaps finished by Sunday. 

These are the new 20mm Jacklex sculpts by Andrew Stadden which really fit in well in size and style. Worthy additions to the range.

Friday 14 June 2024

An Act Of Incredible Generosity

 It is a long and convoluted story how a 28mm collection from the late, great, Jack Alexander was donated to our club (SEEMS) . 

Cutting it shortly, Jack's family wanted the figures to be used and be enjoyed after his passing and our club was a fortunate recipient; this alone is an act of incredible generosity.

When I heard of this I pitched in a bid for what was described as a batch "French Colonial" figures.

I do not know what I was expecting but when I met up with David Crook to pick them up my jaw  hit the floor:


There are hundreds of figures here, some I recognise and a fair number I do not. This now takes us into incredible, incredible generosity.

On Tuesday I was telling the world I would "resist all other temptations". By Friday I was making plans for these toys. I have made a new tag of "The Jack Alexander Collection". Watch this space!

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Jack's family and hope I can return their trust n a small part of his legacy. 

Tuesday 11 June 2024

55th New York Infantry - Gilder Style!

 Moving on back to the Classic 20mm ACW collection I did fold and bought one last Gilder unit, this time the 55th New York.

Once again they are (my favourite) conversions from DN3 Napoleonic Belgian infantry with converted FN1 French Napoleonic officers and an Airfix standard bearer.

I plan to continue working on this project for the foreseeable future and try and ignore all other temptations! Famous last words indeed!

Friday 7 June 2024

We Are Off To Broadside 2024

 For one last showing of the Battle of Bryson's Crossroads.

Now with a new Union Command stand.

Redoubt figures this time, Full of character.

The inclusion of a Zouave Officer is a sign of upcoming additions to the 28mm ACW collection!

Sunday 12 May 2024

Jacklex Union Artillery

The addition of the Gilder Charleston German Battery had left the Union woefully outgunned. These additions tip the favour once more for the Union with 4 batteries versus the rebel 3.

I decided against the bare-chested figure this time and painted on some tasteful undershirts instead! 

My latest Gilder purchase is now cleaned up and varnished once more. I just need a bit of time to get them based up. Then I need to finish the Union dismounted cavalry and some other odds and ends.