Tuesday, 25 March 2025

5th Italian Line Infantry Regiment

It has been a while since I posted anything as frustratingly I started feeling unwell back in November last year. After months of feeling awful we discovered I had an underlying health condition which sadly is not going to go away. 

While I have no immediate plans to meet my ancestors I am having to get used to some pretty strong medication. I am not 21 anymore.

So, planning ahead I have begun drastically streamlining my collections of unpainted figures and kits which will never be finished in three lifetimes. 

Instead I will concentrate on the one dearest to me, starting with my 20mm Napoleonic figures. 

These figures are RSM95 figures (the original range sold as Pax Britannica in the UK back in the day). 

These are their French infantry/ Guard infantry painted up as the Kingdom of Italy 5th Line Regiment, based on the painting guide from the Haythornthwaite/Chappell "Uniforms of the Peninsular War".

The officer is the ADC figure with a shako head swap. The figures have had a few animation tweaks to add a little more interest.

I have given them the old "Republican" flag as I seem to recall reading the roll out to troops in the Peninsular was a little sluggish. Still my favourite figure sculpts (as I may have mentioned before!).

Next up, French infantry.


  1. Nice to hear from you again, great looking figures, full of energy.

    1. Thanks! I like these figures a lot for those reasons.

  2. A fine looking bunch, very striking. KBO old bean.

    1. Thanks Phil - and I'll keep taking the tablets!

  3. Sorry to hear your news. I know what you mean, I've had my fair share of problems over the last 18 months. The figures look great though.

    1. I now begin to realise how my dear old Dad used to feel. But he kept smiling to the end so what better role model?

  4. Lovely looking toys Matt…
    Yes… Underlying health conditions… They can be a right s*#%e at times..
    I hope you are managing your way through it…
    Painting toys is after all the best medicine

    All the best. Aly

  5. Sorry to hear about your health travails but glad you are back posting and a lovely looking unit to come back with, great miniatures, real sense of movement and cracking paint job on them.

  6. White uniforms can be a bit of a pain but they do look good when finished.
