Sunday 17 March 2019


A quick preview of my fledgling latest collection. As mentioned in an earlier post I have joined a wargames club here. In a rush of enthusiasm on the first night I signed up to an ACW rule system that the club intend to play - "Redcoats & Rebels". I know the Union forces have already been started by other members so I have glued up and started painting some Perry Plastic 28mm Confederates first.

This game came be played to a conclusion within the 2-3 hours available on a Wednesday night. 

However I also love BIG ACW battles using "Fire & Fury" and have a separate collection going on there in 15mm. Plus, I have a small collection of vintage 20mm ACW figures (mainly Hinton Hunt) which I have been amassing over the years. 3 collections may seem a little extravagant but you only live once. And it is the American Civil War.

So, 28mm ACW is the second project for the remainder of 2019 and with the relatively low number of figures needed is the most likely to be completed. Especially as others are also now expecting a full contribution on my part. 

Saturday 16 March 2019

More Airfix Waterloo

Having reached a milestone of more games played in 2019 than 2017 & 2018 combined I have also been slowly adding to various collections. The first is this British artillery base.

Waterloo Horse Artillery - probably my favourite of all the Airfux sets

I have a few more weeks of shift work to go before I join the 9-5 set so I hope to increase output very soon. Rather than go bonkers and start painting everything I have I will probably stick with 4 main projects for 2019. Next up for the Airfix collection are those really useful marching French artillerymen. 

But for my next post are some 28mm ACW destined for some club games later in the year.