Monday 13 July 2020

Rebel Movement

At last I have something new to post. I have been busy decorating and as soon as one room is finished the others look shabby in comparison, so it turns into a vicious circle. 

For my 100th post I give you more figures for the Classic 20mm ACW collection.

All figures are Jacklex. 10 new infantry stands and a gun and crew. Flags by ROFUR in 1/72nd scale.

They include the new Confederate infantry in kepi and blanket roll, rather than having to use the Union infantry with backpacks. A very useful figure. The three figures to a base feels right for an old school collection and my new measuring sticks are made, painted and waiting for the layers and layers of gloss varnish to dry.

Obviously the gunner with the rammer will only be used in summer campaigns!

I am now working on more Union infantry and the first of the General command bases.