Tuesday 31 March 2015

Second Box of Soldiers Complete!

The second box of Revell British artillery is finished and packed off heading for the Battle of Waterloo diorama. I am now working on some rather lovely Hinton Hunt British for Ian and Roy's Battle of Waterloo re-fight later this year.

I plan to get some of my own ACW and Colonial figures painted up before I return to more plastic artillery for the diorama.

Hopefully the Bank Holiday weekend will produce some more pictures.

Sunday 29 March 2015

The American Civil War in 25mm - a WIP

So here are the first figures for my latest 25mm ACW collection. As you can see they have received their base colours, have been gloss varnished for protection and received two coats of Testors Dullcote (the second coat is still a bit wet and tacky in places) and will receive their metallic colours in the next few days.
25mm "Tradition" figures by Mr. Chas C Stadden
I have decided to go with "Fire & Fury" rules again for this collection using a mix of Tradition/Stadden and Hinchliffe figures in tribute to my long lost* 25mm collection of the mid 1980's.

*The friend I gave the figures to believes he may still have them still boxed up after 20 years...so watch this space to see if they turn up again!

Friday 27 March 2015

Wargaming the War Between the States

 While it may appear quiet on the pages of Waterloo to Mons recently, behind the scenes it has been a different story. Commission work mainly, which will form my next few posts.

The lead pile has continued to decrease in size. However in two notable instances* while I have been able to decide that I will keep collecting, the decision in what scale to proceed with has been problematic. 
The American Civil War remains my principle wargaming period. My decision to sell off my Airfix ACW Project last year is just the latest in a string of collections I have built up and then disposed of. The fact that I would start collecting again was never really in doubt but I was torn between two ideas. One is achievable, the other is a little more whimsical. 

The solution? Well this is the War Between the States and so just this once I will be collecting in two scales. One will be 25mm and intended for "real wargames"; the second a collection that will probably never be complete using vintage 20mm figures. Results coming soon.

*The second is the Franco Prussian War. For this I think I have a more radical solution to the problem-but that is for much later in the year.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

One Box of Soldiers Complete!

The first of the two boxes of Revell British Artillery is complete!

I have not had any time to touch my own stuff at the moment but the funds raised are going to a worthy cause...my son put his cricket kit on from last summer. He's grown a lot!

You get a lot of stuff in one box!

Well, I would have either spent the money on toy soldiers or wasted it!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Proof of Life...

I know it has been a while since my last post. I hope to resume to slightly more regular postings in the coming weeks. To be getting on with  here is a work in progress for a commission I am doing for another diorama builder. Revell plastic figures fresh off the production line.

The lead pile has decreased a little in size courtesy of good old ebay; with a little luck (and a bucket more dedication) I can also make some significant reductions in the unpainted Colonial pile. Then I can order the Jacklex limbers I so want to paint up!