Sunday, 8 August 2021

A Smaller Post Than Advertised

 This week has been rather busy. When I retired I "treated" myself to a greenhouse (how pensioner-ish is that?) Due to COVID demand for greenhouses has been phenomenally high and I was given a date of mid September before it could be delivered. Last week however I received a call, it will be delivered this coming Tuesday. The problem is that the base it will sit on was still occupied by an old galvanised steel shed, complete with 13 years worth of accumulated "stuff". It is now gone and so has the "stuff".

Little time left for painting then. In fact I have only been able to base up the Jacklex Confederate infantry unit I painted last week. 6 stands of marching glory.

I am not sure how much painting I will get done this week but for the rest of the month I will be continuing with the 28mm Perry ACW figures so that by September I will be able to host my long threatened game on club night.

Finally, remember the puppy? The one who seemed to have incredibly gangly legs she could never possibly grow into? Well, Lottie's eight months old next week and all growed-up looking:

Yes, she really is that shiny!

Until next week.

Sunday, 1 August 2021

I Got Distracted

It was all going so well. Another Jacklex Confederate  infantry unit in the bag and the first mounted rebel cavalry glued up and waiting for the undercoat. Then I got distracted.

As some may remember 15 plus years or so ago I launched another blog (long since deleted) called "In The Grand Manner" intended to cover the creation of the kind of Gilder Napoleonics I could only dream of back in the day. I painted one base or so and then dropped the idea. Well this unit has been sitting idly by, occasionally having another base completed over the years.

Then this week I decided to bite the bullet and finish the last 12 figures. So here you have it, a 36 man Connoisseur Miniatures French battalion over a decade in the making.

They had to be glossy!

I have no plans to pick the idea up again (even though I may paint up the Hinchliffe Foremost Scot's Greys one day just for the hell of it). I do however have a Hinchliffe ECW glossy project planned.

I will make up for this next week with a bigger Classic 20mm ACW update.