Sunday, 12 May 2024

Jacklex Union Artillery

The addition of the Gilder Charleston German Battery had left the Union woefully outgunned. These additions tip the favour once more for the Union with 4 batteries versus the rebel 3.

I decided against the bare-chested figure this time and painted on some tasteful undershirts instead! 

My latest Gilder purchase is now cleaned up and varnished once more. I just need a bit of time to get them based up. Then I need to finish the Union dismounted cavalry and some other odds and ends.


  1. Very nice artillery, they look great in the undershirts!!

  2. Looking good Matt - who doesn’t like a pink shirt!

    1. The Duke wore it in every film so who can argue with that?

  3. An ACW artillery battery is complete without a chap in a pink shirt.

  4. It focusses the eye in a sea of blue!

  5. Nicely done Matt…
    I much prefer the look of the shirts to the bare chested look…
    I used to reenact as a member of a gun crew and the last thing I would have done was go into action shirtless… there are too many things around that can cause you injury 😱

    All the best. Aly
