Wednesday 17 April 2019

Games Night Tonight

Tonight was another first for me on my new Wednesday "Games Night". A sci-fi game called Battlefleet Gothic (or something like that). Apparently its an old Warhammer game that is no longer in production. As usual I lost. However Neil's models were great and it got me thinking.

I was given control of the two big ships in this picture-both died horribly!

All this "broadsides", "torpedoes" and flat gaming surface stuff got me thinking about naval wargames. Something else that I have never played.
The Battlefleet game itself  requires a level of thinking ahead (after all there's not a lot of stuff to hide behind in space - or at sea) with torpedoes and wreckage dictating your next few moves.

While these guys look like ducks - they turned out to be lethal!

Plus as a visual spectacle the models really come into their own. I have seen some fantastic looking naval models made up and so its certainly got me thinking about the possibilities...

Sunday 7 April 2019


Or "Wargaming the American War of Independance....My Way"

Many moons ago I had a number of 1/72nd AWI figures sculpted for me by Mr Andrew Stadden intended as a retirement project all for me. There are lots of fantastic ranges out there but I wanted to do it in my favourite scale with figures of my specification. 

So far I have 7 master figures sculpted but only 1 of those poses has had moulds made and figures cast - "Early British Infantry Charging"

The figure has a separate musket so lends itself to a fair bit of tweaking and conveniently doubles as a standard bearer and Sergeant with pike with a little work. (The officer figure is a plastic IMEX figure). This is not a commercial project (I learned my lesson first time round) but I would like to expand the collection to other favourite periods in due course.

I will get the other 6 figures (British & American officers and drummers, American infantry and a British Grenadier) cast up much later this year, but as I start my new Monday to Friday job tomorrow I thought I can at least show off my toys and start to dream of my little pet project finally taking off.