Sunday, 29 March 2015

The American Civil War in 25mm - a WIP

So here are the first figures for my latest 25mm ACW collection. As you can see they have received their base colours, have been gloss varnished for protection and received two coats of Testors Dullcote (the second coat is still a bit wet and tacky in places) and will receive their metallic colours in the next few days.
25mm "Tradition" figures by Mr. Chas C Stadden
I have decided to go with "Fire & Fury" rules again for this collection using a mix of Tradition/Stadden and Hinchliffe figures in tribute to my long lost* 25mm collection of the mid 1980's.

*The friend I gave the figures to believes he may still have them still boxed up after 20 watch this space to see if they turn up again!


  1. That would be exciting if they turned up - I have the same hope about my 1970's Minifigs ECW army!

  2. The moral of the story is never sell your armies! Mind you, I only ever did one, but I've still got it!
    These are looking rather special already, and I can't wait to see what you come up with for the FPW.

  3. Love the basing. Mmmmm, old school!
