I have recently made a very important purchase. Inspired by the work on my favourite vintage wargames blogs I have decided to try once more at a major Airfix project, this time to recreate the Battle of Waterloo using nothing but Airfix HO/OO soldiers.
Its a BIG box! |
The box contains the equivalent of one box of each of the figures in the Waterloo range together with the farmhouse, a base, some rather useful carts plus glue, paints and brushes.
The fact that such a project can be done is beyond argument, however the question is how good can the models look? Unlike the "Airfix ACW Project" which I started and then (foolishly) abandoned all those years ago these figures will be getting the "full beauty treatment".
The French artillery have been started. The rule have been decided-"Age of Eagles" the Napoleonic variant of "Fire and Fury".
The first figures will be up for show after a small family break in the South of France.