With these fellows re-based I only have a small command group of Confederates from the Gilder collection left to re-base for the rebels. The figures are mainly "proper" Hinton Hunt ACW figures.
The infantry are CS 6 Confederate Infantry in Broad Hat, the standard bearer is CS 10 Confederate Standard Bearer but the officers are converted FN6 French officers from the Napoleonic range. Together they form the 2nd Virginia.
In my original post regarding acquiring these figures I mis-identified the below from the original Featherstone article as the 2nd US Infantry. I do believe now however that it could be the 2nd Virginia.
The pose is correct, the trousers are different coloured to the tunic and they have blanket rolls. The flag certainly seems a match. I do think whoever re-based the figures before I got them changed the officers from a more enthusiastic sword waving figure!

I also note that the rifles have now been bent down from their original 45 degree angle to a horizontal position. Not conclusive proof but it would be nice to think they are the 2nd Virginia considering the impact the images had on my wargaming years.

Next up are some rebel artillery, the base was marked as "Charleston's German Battery". A quick bit of research confirms they were armed with a mix of 12 pounders and rifles pieces.
The crew are ACW range figures, CS 11, 12, 13 and 14. The 12 pounder is a genuine HH piece clearly marked underneath as A1 (12pdr Napoleon Gun). The rifles piece (Whitworth) is clearly a more modern sculpt.
I have two more Union regiments, both using CS 6 which will form my next post.